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Archiv Včelařské konference

Miroslav Jakuš (e-mailem) --- 23. 2. 2005
RE: Kdo je zloděj a kdo dluník?

Ano. I mne by to zajímalo. Nebylo by možné pro zájemce uspořádat sezení,
pomoci objasnit problematiku založení malých odbytových družstev. Rád bych
přijel i s pár kamarády, kteří o založení družstva semnou uvažují. Sice
byste tím duploval činnost ÚV, ale alespoň máte reálné zkušenosti, které
jsou podle mého názoru nejcennější. Škoda, že si toho ÚV moc neváží.

Miroslav Jakuš

> Jak probíha to sdružování včelařů pane Češka, je to sice ode
> mne troufalost, ale nějaký takový podobný projekt by mě zajímal.
> Pavel

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Lubomir Ceska ( --- 23. 2. 2005
Re: Kdo je zloděj a kdo dluník?

Dekuji za vas zajem.

Pro vsechny zajemce o navstevu a pro ty, co chteji vedet neco blizsiho o mem zameru zalozit vcelarske druzstvo, opet pridavam kontakt a tel. cislo, na kterem se muzeme domluvit na terminu setkani.

Lubomir Ceska
Nejdecka 171 - Vcelarsky dvur
Lednice 691 44

Tel.: 519 340 515

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qwe ( --- 26. 2. 2005
Re: Kdo je zloděj a kdo dluník?

----- Original Message -----
From: The VMware Team

1. VMware Workstation 5 Beta in Full Swing
2. Customer Snapshot
3. Business Continuity Road Show
4. Performance Tip
5. VMware Programs and Special Offers
6. Join the VMware Community
7. Trade Shows
8. And the Award Goes to…

VMware Workstation 5 Beta in Full Swing

With more than 100,000 downloads and counting, the VMware® Workstation 5 beta has received overwhelmingly positive user feedback since its launch in December, 2004.

With new features and functionality that increase both individual productivity and team collaboration, Workstation 5 is a must have for developers, QA teams and other IT professionals. The release also provides:

Multiple snapshot and snapshot management capabilities—for capturing and managing multiple configurations
Teams feature—for managing connected virtual machines and simulating “real world” multi-tier configurations
Cloning functionality—for copying virtual machines and sharing them with colleagues
It’s still not too late to participate in the Workstation 5 beta—download your free evaluation copy today.

Customer Snapshot

Server Consolidation

AXA Technology leveraged VMware ESX Server and P2V Assistant to consolidate 11 Wintel servers that provide key functionality for AXA Financial's Broker Dealer Infrastructure.
Saved $550,000 in hardware expenditures
Improved server utilization by 30 percent
Achieved a 12:1 server consolidation ratio
ESX Server on 4-CPU IBM x445 with 16GB RAM
Guest operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0
Applications running in virtual machines include: SQL, Oracle, IIS, Ciscoworks, SUS, Puridiom and domain controllers
Read more

“With VMware ESX Server, we were able to successfully migrate our applications to virtual machines, and the applications ran flawlessly.”

— Ken Torricella
Director of Infrastructure Solutions Services
AXA Technology Services

Business Continuity Road Show

Earlier this month, attendees at VMware’s business continuity seminar series discovered how to build better business continuity with virtualization.

Presented by product experts from the VMware corporate team, the 22-city, three-day road show attracted more than 2,500 participants. Featuring real-world case studies, live demonstrations, local partners, and unedited unrehearsed customer commentary, the seminars explored both the broader issues and the finer points of achieving disaster recovery and high availability when implementing a VMware virtual infrastructure solution.

Want to learn more about VMware virtual infrastructure solutions for business continuity? Attend a business continuity seminar in your area hosted by a VMware Enterprise VIP Partner.

Performance Tip

Optimize Network Throughput

Looking for optimal network throughput for the applications running on your ESX Server? A new technical paper examines the factors you should consider and describes how to use the netperf tool to measure network throughput so you can optimize your system.

VMware Programs and Special Offers

We’re pleased to announce special offers and discounted VMware Workstation pricing for the following groups:

Linux user groups
Academic professors and IT staff
Get more information on current VMware promotions

Take advantage of the VMware referral program!

Due to numerous requests from customers, VMware is pleased to announce the VMware Referral Program. The program rewards you with VMware products and merchandise, and gives your friends a discount on their Workstation purchases.

Get more information on the VMware referral program

Join the VMware Community

Stay up-to-date on VMware technical news, local user group activities, hot forum threads, new technical papers, Knowledge Base articles and virtual infrastructure industry news.

Join the VMware Community

Trade Shows

Visit VMware at CeBIT
March 10-16, 2005
Halle 1 Stand 7f2 (EMC)
Hannover, Germany

And the Award Goes to…

VMware is proud to recap the product awards it won in 2004 and to dedicate these awards to those who inspire us: our customers.

New for 2004, VMware VirtualCenter was one of eWeek’s Top Ten Products in 2004 and won CNET’s Most Promising Technology of the Year Award. VirtualCenter also received Windows IT PRO Readers’ Choice award in the Best New Product category.

Readers of Windows IT PRO rated ESX Server as the Best Overall Product in 2004. ESX Server went on to win IDG’s Enterprise Product of the Year Award in the Infrastructure category. Additionally, in the Software Components and Middleware category, TechEd Europe gave ESX Server its Best of Show Award.

GSX Server was awarded PC Plus Editor’s Choice award and achieved a “Good” rating by the German magazine PC Professionell and a “Recommended” award from Personal Computer World.

BIOS Magazine gave Workstation its five-star Editors’ Choice award. Workstation also earned an Editors’ Choice rating from ZDNet. For a second consecutive year Workstation won Windows IT PRO Readers’ Choice awards in the Best Windows Development Tool and Best Testing/Debugging Software categories. Workstation also landed a Broadband World Gold Award

Read more about VMware product awards


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