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Archiv Včelařské konference

Pavel Samojlovič (e-mailem) --- 31. 10. 2006
(no subject)

Honey Update:

October 2006

The world raw honey market is reported to be extremely volatile at this
time. Prices continue to rise, and this trend is expected to continue for
several months by some within the industry. Offerings for raw honey on the
world market are few as demand exceeds supply for this honey. Honey packers
have scrambled to buy whatever honey is available on the international
market, as some suppliers could not deliver honey that had been previously
contracted for.

The U.S. honey crop is smaller than average again this year with reduced
production in Florida, Texas, California, and parts of the upper Midwest.
Much of this honey is being held off the market in anticipation of higher

Offerings later in the fall for some Asian honey may help feed the supply
chain, but prices will be high. China is still not offering much honey into
the world market at this time. Some supply relief could come in February or
March 2007 as the South American honey crop comes in. This honey will most
likely be snapped up quickly, prices will be high and may even still
continue to escalate until the supply chain is completely full.

August 2006

The year has seen steadily increasing raw honey prices. With light amber
honey in very short supply, the price gap between light amber honey and
white honey has narrowed. Most of last seasons honey crops from South
America, India, Viet Nam, and other Southern Asian Countries has been sold.
The expected price stability with the onset of new crop honey from North
America & China has not come to fruition. China's honey crop is poorest in
10 years. Reports are that the Chinese crop may be down 30% to 50% of
normal. China has been slow to get their crop into the world market. Prices
for the honey that they are selling have been higher and more typical of
other world raw honey prices. China is using more of their honey for their
own consumption, replacing honey for sugar, as their sugar crop is also
extremely short. The new shipper bill has passed both the House & the Senate
and will be signed into law. This legislation will remove the loophole for
exporting duty-free honey from China into the U.S., retroactive back to
April 1, 2006. Passage of this bill has already raised world raw honey
prices .05 to .07 / lb., and this trend should continue, as demand remains
greater than the supply. U.S. raw honey prices continue to rise as the crop
comes in. Production looks good in some regions while exceptional drought
has severely limited production in other regions. The total crop looks to be
smaller than last year, which was well below average in a succession of
below average years. Canada's honey crop looks to be below average as well,
with prices reflecting U.S. prices.

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číslo 19124

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