Včelařská konference

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Archiv Včelařské konference

Eman ( --- 2. 11. 2005
Re: Dotaz

7.3.The replacement of the queen bees involving the killing of the old queen is permitted.

7.4.The practice of destroying the male brood is permitted only to contain the infestation with Varroa jacobsoni .

7.5.The use of chemical synthetic repellents is prohibited during honey extractions operations.

7.6.The zone where the apiary is situated must be registered together with the identification of the hives.The inspection body or authority must be informed of the moving of apiaries with a deadline agreed on with the inspection authority or body.

7.7.Particular care shall be taken to ensure adequate extraction, processing and storage of beekeeping products. All the measures to comply with these requirements shall be recorded.

7.8.The removals of the supers and the honey extraction operations must be entered in the register of the apiary.

8.Characteristics of hives and materials used in beekeeping

8.1.The hives must be made basically of natural materials presenting no risk of contamination to the environment or the apiculture products.

8.2.With the exception of products mentioned in paragraph 6.3(e)in the hives can be used only natural products such as propolis, wax and plant oils.

8.3.The beeswax for new foundations must come from organic production units.By way of derogation, in particular in the case of new installations or during the conversion period, bees wax not coming from such units may be authorised by the inspection authority or body in exceptional circumstances where organically produced beeswax is not available on the market and provided that it comes from the cap.

8.4.The use of combs, which contain broods, is prohibited for honey extraction.

8.5.For the purposes of protecting materials (frames, hives and combs),in particular from pests,only appropriate products listed in part B,Section 2,of Annex II are permitted.

8.6.Physical treatments such as stream or direct flame are permitted.

8.7.For cleaning and disinfecting materials,buildings,equipment, utensils or products used in beekeeping only the appropriate substances listed in Annex II Part E are permitted.

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 12937

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misa bandikova ( --- 7. 3. 2006
skodlive latky v potravinach

skodlive latky ktere jime kazdy den se muzou promenit v tezkou a nekdy i smrtelnou nemoc

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 15235

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