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KaJi ( --- 26. 1. 2013
Re: Stanovitě bez včel (60204) (60205) (60206) (60208) (60209) (60210)

Linky dávám dopředu:

Takže si přečte o starostech jinde., já si jdu taky číst:-)

Je třeba chápat některé, kteří šíří paniku a domnívají se, že se dostáváme na ocas vývoje.

Například na konferenci MSVV v Olomouci byl vidět nádherný kontrast mezi ČR a SR - referovali tam sLovenští výzkumníci. Mimo jiné jsou zapojeni do Evropského monitorngu zdraví včel, kam se ČR nezapojila.


Předmět: Bee Health in Europe 2013 – Facts & Figures

Dear all,

How to support bee health and the establishment of robust bee colonies, has been for some time now in the focus of the research activities as well as of the stakeholders and policy makers. OPERA, an independent research centre and think tank of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) (www.operaresearch.eu) has therefore decided to set-up a dedicated working group and conduct a comprehensive review of the available scientific literature and official data on the issue, the result is the report: “Bee health in Europe – Facts and Figures 2013”.

The report moves from the newest data from scientific research into drivers of bee health and presents the latest figures in the trend in bee population and reports initiatives and policies being developed in Europe and abroad.

The objective of the working group producing this report was to build on the findings of the previous OPERA report, published in 2011, to include state-of the art information and research results on the issue of honeybees in agricultural systems and collect in one single comprehensive document relevant data on bee health.

Collecting and analysing the existing evidence and information to identify the main factors influencing bee health will help to further adjust research and policy priorities to protect bees.

You can download a copy of report here: “Bee health in Europe – Facts & Figures 2013”.

The Compendium carried out by OPERA highlights that among the main causes of the bees decline in Europe are the parasitic mite Varroa, viruses and diseases, the loss of suitable habitats and nutrition.

For further information and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Alexandru Marchis

Policy Team Coordinator

OPERA Research Centre

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 60211

na tento


Následující:R. Polďż˝ek - Re: Stanoviště bez včel
Předchozí:KaJi - Re: Stanovitě bez včel

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