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Olda Vancata --- 5. 9. 2003
Re: (3943)

> Platné zákazy, příkazy, omezení vydané SVS ČR
> 02.09.2003
> HYG/222/03 - Spěšná informace týkající se výskytu reziduí
> chloramfenikolu v medu dovezeného z Čínské lidové republiky Vzhledem
> ke zjištění obsahu reziduí chloramfenikolu, látky uvedené ve skupině
> IV přílohy k vyhlášce č. 273/2000 Sb., ve znění vyhlášky č. 106/2002
> Sb., v dovezeném medu z Čínské lidové republiky, SVS ČR nestanovuje do
> odvolání podmínky pro dovoz medu z Čínské lidové republiky.
> Pokud by byl pohraniční veterinární kontrolou zjištěn dovoz zmíněného
> zboží z Čínské lidové republiky, místně příslušná KVS tento dovoz
> nepovolí (např. podle § 54 odst. 2 písm. c) zákona č. 166/1999 Sb., o
> veterinární péči a o změně některých souvisejících zákonů, ve znění
> pozdějších předpisů).
> Toto opatření nabývá účinnosti dnem 3.9.2003.


Je s podivem jak pozde se cesky urady probudily. V americe existuje
tenhle zakaz (z tohodle duvodu) uz dva roky. V EU - rok.

A cinani jsou si toho plne vedomi:

Sweet harvest assured for country's bee-keepers
ZHAO HUANXIN, China Daily staff
2003-07-02 07:35:21

China's bee-keepers will have to test for chemical residues in their
produce and keep better records under an industry action plan to
safeguard their exports.

"We are enforcing an action plan for apiarists, bee product
processors and exporters that will remove any possible safety hazard
from the start," Zhao Weining, an official for the Ministry of
Agriculture, said yesterday.

The plan aims to improve the quality of Chinese bee products by
eliminating residues caused by the improper or illegal use of
veterinary medicine and banned drugs, Zhao said.

The European Union slapped a ban on Chinese honey and certain other
animal products in January last year, after allegedly detecting
traces of antibiotic chloramphenicol residues in the exports.

The ban, which many experts believe was a "technical barrier to
trade" measure, dealt a heavy blow to China's bee-keeping sector.

The industry's export volume plummeted by 28 per cent on a year-on-
year basis in 2002, customs statistics indicate.

And the ban on bee products has not yet been lifted, Zhao said.

The ministry's action plan requires apiarists to keep daily records
on their bee hives, including their location and the type and dosage
of drugs used on the bees.

Zhao said the ministry would impose tough penalties on the illegal
production, marketing or use of bee medicines, especially fake or
shoddy ones.

Under the action plan, quarantine authorities will strengthen
supervision over the production process, and upgrade testing
equipment and standards in line with international guidelines.

"The ultimate goal is to ensure that Chinese bee products will meet
the requirements of various importing nations," Zhao said.

China is the world's largest producer of bee products. More than half
of its honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis and bee's wax are for
export, according to Zhao Jing, an official from the ministry's Bee
Product Quality Supervision and Examination Centre.

The centre, together with other quality control agencies, will
promote Good Manufacturing Practices and Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point systems in China's bee-keeping industry, Zhao said.

(China Daily 07/02/2003 page2)


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číslo 3944

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Následující:Gabriel Kominek - cukor
Předchozí:Gustimilián Pazderka -

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