Včelařská konference

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Příspěvky do konference:
(nejnovější jsou hned zde nahoře)

G.Pazderka ( --- 7. 7. 2009
Re: diagnostika moru plodu. (36523) (36526) (36528) (36529) (36544) (36555)

No a co jsi dosud provedl?

Tomáš Heřman (e-mailem) --- 7. 7. 2009
Re: diagnostika moru plodu. (36523) (36526) (36528) (36529) (36544)
>* If the attack affects than 20% of the comb, remove the comb and burn it,
or melt it in a Solar Wax Extractor.
* If more than 20% of the brood is infected, all adult bees must be
destroyed with a household aerosol pesticide spray. To ensure all bees are
dead, close the hive and spray it again after 24 hours.
* Separate the comb wax from its frame, and burn or melt the wax.
* The hive's frame should be fumigated with formalin. This can be done by
putting the frame in a plastic bag together with a small cotton roll
soaked with 40% formalin. Close the end of the plastic bag and leave it
for 24 hours
* Isolate the hive box and sanitate it before reuse. Either fumigate it
with formalin, or submerge it in 2% Clorox or Dettol solution.
* In a situation where 5-20% of the brood is infected, the colony can be
helped to recover replacing the queen.
This may be either:
* Self recovery, where the colony produces a new queen.
* To old queen is removed from the hive, and a new, healthy and fertilized
queen is introduced, 21
days later.
* Once the new queen is introduced, sugar syrup should be added to speed
up the development of the
bee population.<

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 36557

na tento


Následující:?ůrek Josef Ing . - RE: Chorobný a taky včelař
Předchozí:Tomáš Heřman - Re: diagnostika moru plodu.

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