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JD ( --- 5. 7. 2008
Re: Vodnatenie včelieho plodu. (30298)

Když jsem kolem toho hledal co je dostupné na netu, zaujaly mě tyto stránky:

asi nejednoznačnější návod

výzkum SBV v zápaním Nepálu - některé poznatky

stručný popis vč. léčby

opět stručný popis vč. léčby

krátký odstavec o onemocnění (uprostřed stránky)

krátký odstavec na konci stránky

popis včetně léčby

nejsofistikovanější postup z výše uvedených zdrojů říká:

Check the hive for sac brood once every two weeks. If sac brood is present, take the following actions.

* If the attack affects than 20% of the comb, remove the comb and burn it, or melt it in a Solar Wax Extractor.
* If more than 20% of the brood is infected, all adult bees must be destroyed with a household aerosol pesticide spray. To ensure all bees are dead, close the hive and spray it again after 24 hours.
* Separate the comb wax from its frame, and burn or melt the wax.
* The hive's frame should be fumigated with formalin. This can be done by putting the frame in a plastic bag together with a small cotton roll soaked with 40% formalin. Close the end of the plastic bag and leave it for 24 hours
* Isolate the hive box and sanitate it before reuse. Either fumigate it with formalin, or submerge it in 2% Clorox or Dettol solution.
* In a situation where 5-20% of the brood is infected, the colony can be helped to recover replacing the queen.
This may be either:
* Self recovery, where the colony produces a new queen.
* To old queen is removed from the hive, and a new, healthy and fertilized queen is introduced, 21
days later.
* Once the new queen is introduced, sugar syrup should be added to speed up the development of the
bee population.

In a situation where less than 5% of the brood in a hive is infected, two colonies from two hives can be
combined together. Sugar syrup as an additional food should be given to help the colony to recover rapidly.

jednodušší řešení navrhuje:

* Re-queening with a young vigorous queen.
* Strengthening any weakened hives by uniting with a disease free nucleus hive of young bees.
* Move bees to better conditions with a good honey flow.
* Feed bees a sugar solution and quality pollen if supplies are low.
* Pack the bees down into fewer boxes.
* Routine comb replacement.

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 30311

na tento


Následující:JD - Re: medove pivo
Předchozí:Pepíno - Oddělky

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