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pav ( --- 22. 8. 2005
Farewell from Kiwi Visitor

Hi folk

Apologies for double-posting a couple of weeks ago - i must confess to 'operator error'.

Well i'm about to fly out tommorrow, after spending just over 2 weeks (not long enough) travelling in Cesko and Slovensko (i'm heading for south america for september before back to NZ in October).

A big thank-you to all those who replied. I've had folk from this list invite me into their homes, feed me, spend time showing me around their local area as well as their beehives and operation, introduce me to other beekeepers and see their hives too. Czech people and beekeepers have been very generous, i was even loaned money when i managed to lose my wallet (something NOT to do while traveling on the far side of the world)...

And thanks too to those who responded but i was unable to meet for one reason or another. The offers were still appreciated.

Pre-winter feeding seems to be in full swing and it has been interesting to see the variety of hives, bee-shelters bee-houses, and bee trailers. It makes me realise how mild our winters are by comparison.

Czech bees have generally proven to be as hospitable as their keepers - very few stings despite wearing minimal protective clothing (and in some cases none at all). Not at all like my own 'bad ass' bees - the decision to stay with just one race of bee seems to work well here. More incentive for me to do some selective breeding with my nasty lot.

However the variety of hive types and resultant cross-incompatibility of parts makes me appreciate that in NZ all hives are of one standard type. Not that it is the best type necessarily, but it does make for easy interchangeability...

I wish you all a gentle winter and great season next year. Drop me an email if you visit New Zealand and i'll try to show you some bees less ferocious than my own...

See ya!



do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 11949

na tento


Následující:pan Josef Menšík - Re: dojmy a pojmy
Předchozí:Radek Krušina - Re: Teď už máme co jsme chtěli

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