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Pav ( --- 7. 8. 2005
Kiwi wants to visit

Hi Folk

Im a beekeeper from New Zealand, and have suddenly and unexpectedly had to change my travel plans at short notice, so i decided to visit the Czech and Slovak republics.

I landed in Prague yesterday, but cannot afford to stay here long (!)- and besides, i prefer to be in the mountains rather than cities.

At home i only have 10 hives, but i have a few seasons experience working with commercial beekeepers.

I have just over 2 weeks before i fly to South America, and i would love to visit with some Czech and/or Slovak beekeepers if possible. I have my own tent and sleeping bag so i can stay for a day or few and would love to help with any hive management that folk are doing at this time of year.

Hope to hear from you, but only have limited access to the internet while travelling. If you email me as below i will reply as soon as i can.


email pav/=/badassbees.com
homepage www.badassbees.com

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 11723

na tento


Následující:pav - Kiwi would like to visit
Předchozí:Jiří -

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